Monday, June 11, 2012

Fang has been pwnd

LOLOLOLOLOL. I just thought that in this serious point in time, the flock may need a laugh. Long story short, fang is in a lock-pit. With nudge on caffeine. Let's just say I made sure it happened.
But now I gotta get a bodyguard.
Heck, it was worth it.
The ever troling

Iggy, the blind kid.

So, I post on fangs blog sometimes, and he posts on mine. But fangs been getting a lot of questions on how I can type since I'm blind, so here's the answer: I may be blind but I can seer whiteness, and well the keyboard is white while the letters are black so I know what keys I'm touching. And also the screen is white, so I can see what I'm typing. Believe it or not this post took me less than 2 minutes. I think i was just born amazing.
The one and only,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hey, guys

Hey guys! Gazzy here. Iggy asked me to fix his blog page kuzz it wouldnt save anything, so I'm posting while he waits(LOL). Anyway, i think Iggy's made a pretty cool blog here, but he needs to post more, kuzz every1 else is doin it 4 him. I'll tell him that.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy birthday!

Hi, it's max this time, we just had our first birthday in a long time. We had blue cake. And blue cupcakes. And blue iced tea. I don't know how my mom does it, but as long as she keeps making weird food, i don't care.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey, all you people and/or human avian
Hybrids, Fang here. So I just figured I'd leave a post since no one else has. Max is helping to look for my parents but were obviously not succeeding(see post title) I'm totally given up hiding the fact that I'm upset about it, not that that makes a difference in my persona.
I guess that's really all that's goin on so I'll post l8r.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Total blogging

Hey, okay first, it's not really total, it's max, but this is what he wanted to say:"Hi, if your reading this, send me a steak or something, I'm starving! (preferably a porterhouse done rare)"
Anyway, max again, we need help.if you know anything about the doomsday group, leave a comment and tell us, kuzz that would make all the difference in our situation.


Hi, guyz! Somehow we've gone a week without being found or hunted. Can you believe it?! Any way we found a new friend called Ray. (she's a girl!)
But I think you know that, I'll let everyone else not to post about her
Anymore kuzz we wouldn't exactly
B saying anything new. Bye!

New brd grl

Yo, max probably mentioned this, but we found another bird girl like us. Her names Rayliegh, but she says she gos by Ray. Max is buggin me to stop
Kuzz she posted about Ray already, so
I'll c u l8r.

Max talkin here

Hi guyz and avian-human hybrids It's max here we just found anotherBrd grl,she says she escaped from the school.She's 14, and apparantly been on her own sinceShe was 9, but I don't trust her yet. Although We did find her unconscious lying in a pool of bloodYou really can't trust a lot of ppl these dayz.More on it l8r,

Just Updating

Hey It's Iggy. When fang made his blog I figured it wasA good idea to keep u guys updated kuzz we can use all The help we can get. 6 brd kids aren't gonna do dis alone!Any way it's not just me, the rest of the flock will b postin2, so chek 4 updates! L8r,Iggy